How To Create a Wants vs Needs List - 4 Easy Steps

The quest for the perfect home within a limited budget can seem daunting. But here's the truth: the perfect home doesn't really exist. Instead, it's about finding a home that aligns with your needs and has the potential to evolve with you. In this blog, I'll share my insights on how to find the right home without compromising on your budget.

  1. Letting Go of Perfection: To embark on your home search, it's crucial to let go of the idea of a flawless property. Instead, focus on finding a home that meets most of your criteria and has room for growth. Flexibility is key when you're working within a budget.

  2. Prioritize Your Must-Haves: Creating a list of must-haves is a powerful way to stay focused and avoid distractions. Consider essential factors like the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, neighborhood safety, school district quality, commute convenience, and access to public transportation. Don't forget to include features like outdoor space and parking availability.

  3. Distinguishing Wants from Needs: While must-haves are non-negotiable, wants are features that can enhance your living experience but are not crucial. Examples include an updated kitchen, open floor plan, additional living spaces, walk-in closets, energy-efficient appliances, smart home technology, recreational amenities, home office space, and architectural features. Prioritize your wants and be willing to compromise on some if needed.

  4. Embrace Thinking Outside the Box: One of the most valuable pieces of advice is to be open-minded and think creatively. Consider homes that may not initially meet all your criteria but have potential. With a little vision and some elbow grease, you can transform a property into your dream home over time. Renovations and improvements can add value and allow you to personalize the space according to your taste.


Finding the right home without compromising on your budget requires a strategic approach. It's essential to let go of perfection and focus on what truly matters. Prioritizing your must-haves and distinguishing wants from needs helps you stay on track. Most importantly, don't be afraid to think outside the box and consider homes with potential. By being open-minded and creative, you can turn an imperfect house into a home that perfectly fits your needs and budget.

Now it's your turn! Have you found yourself asking these questions? Do any of these tips resonate with you? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


Top 10 great reasons to live in Halifax
  1. Halifax is reputed to have one of the highest number of bars per capita of any Canadian city! Which means we are FUN!

  2. Halifax has a rich and varied history, from its role as a major port city in the days of British colonial rule, to its importance as a military and naval center in both world wars.

  3. With its stunning harbor and coastal views, Halifax offers a picturesque and scenic living environment.

  4. Friendly people: Haligonians are known for their friendly and welcoming nature, making it a great place to live and build relationships.

  5. Halifax has a strong and growing economy with a diverse mix of industries, including finance, technology, and tourism.

  6. With SIX universities located in the city, Halifax offers a great education system for students of all ages.

  7. From taxis to buses, there is no shortage of ways to get around in Halifax. However, the Halifax  Ferry is certainly a unique way. This harbour ferry service has been connecting the city of Halifax to neighbouring Dartmouth for 269 years.

  8. The Halifax Waterfront is a bustling hotspot in the city. With one of the world's longest urban boardwalks spanning the length of the waterfront for 4 kilometres (2.5 miles), from Pier 21 at the Halifax Seaport to Casino Nova Scotia, it is easy to spend a day exploring here.

  9. Affordable housing: Compared to other cities in Canada, housing in Halifax is relatively affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking for a good standard of living.

  10. Natural beauty: With its proximity to nature reserves, parks, and hiking trails, Halifax offers easy access to some of Canada's most beautiful natural landscapes.


What Do Showings Look Like?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and really, I get the sentiment and all. But I’m guessing whoever said that wasn’t in the market for a new home. The truth is listing photos can only take you so far. Sooner or later, buyers wanna get off their smartphones and get inside some homes. ⁣
Enter showings—one of the most thrilling parts of the entire home buying journey! If you’ve never experienced a home showing, here’s what you can expect. First, though, YOU have a little work to do. ⁣
Before touring a home, make your list of non-negotiables. Take the list with you and refer back to it as you walk around. Fight the urge to get carried away by a home that has lots of bells and whistles but doesn’t meet your punch list.⁣
Next, you schedule a time to meet your agent at the home. Take your time and ask your agent any and all questions that come to your mind. ⁣
Take special note of:⁣
Curb appeal and lawn condition: The property's exterior can easily be overlooked. Pay attention to your first impression of the home. Do you love it, or are you less-than-enthused?⁣
Cleanliness and odor. Use all your senses as you enter the home. Do you smell mold or mildew? Cigarette smoke? Does the air feel damp?⁣
Wall and floor condition: Pay attention to warped floors, watermarks, and cracks in the walls which often point to more significant problems with the house.⁣
Integrated systems and fixtures: Don’t neglect checking out the HVAC, electrical wiring, hot water heater, and other pipes and faucets. ⁣
A showing can last from 15 minutes (if the house is a total dud) to an hour or more (Could it be the one??). Just like most things in life, the more showings you attend, the quicker you’ll be able to determine if a home is right for you. ⁣
Are you ready to get inside some homes you’re scrolling through online? Reach out and let’s set up a time to meet up!⁣

8 Ways To Make Buyers Fall In LOVE With Your House

8 Ways to Make Buyers Fall in Love with Your Home

We all want people to love our home as much as we do, but especially when you are trying to sell it! While it’s impossible to please every buyers’ taste, there are several easy things you can do to make your home more appealing without spending a lot of money. Try some of these tricks and see if your showings cause buyers to swoon.

1. Check your curb appeal. Take an honest look from the curbside. What are buyers seeing first? If your home needs to be painted or pressure washed, consider making that investment. Clean up landscaping by trimming trees and bushes, planting some fresh annuals, and laying new mulch. Clean windows, repair sagging soffit, or porch railings, and have any trip hazards on your driveway or front walk repaired. Finally, consider some attractive, yet subtle decorations for your front porch.

2. Create an inviting entryway. When buyers step inside your front door, you want them to feel welcomed. If you have a foyer or front hall, it is easier to make an attractive entryway, but even if your front door opens right into your living room, you can create the feel of an entryway with a couple of simple tricks. Clear the area of clutter things that tend to pile up at the front door, like backpacks, dog leashes, or shoes. Place a small table or bench beside the door with plants, candles, or another simple décor. A small area rug can help define the space as the entryway.

3. Let the light shine in. Take advantage of natural light as much as you can. Trimming any bushes or trees outside your windows can help immensely. Wash your windows inside and out and replace or remove any worn screens. Make sure to open blinds or curtains before all showings.

4. Add some fresh color. Painting is an easy and inexpensive way to make an older home look new and is especially important if your current wall color is dark or outdated. Choose a light neutral color like a warm grey or light beige and use the same color throughout the house. If your home tends to be dark, this will help brighten it up.

5. Let storage spaces speak for themselves. Many sellers make the mistake of waiting until they have a contract to start cleaning out closets. Cleaning out clutter is part of getting ready to show, not just getting ready to move. You want buyers to perceive that there is ample storage in the home, and this doesn’t work if every drawer, cabinet, and closet is stuffed to the gills.

6. Eliminate distractions. Streamline your decorating so your buyers see the house and not your personal belongings. Go ahead and pack up collectibles and family photos and keep decorative touches to the minimum. Too many plants, magazines, or toys distract the buyers from seeing the home as their own.

7. Entice them with outdoor space. The back yard shouldn’t be an empty space of infinite possibility, nor should it be a storage area for neglected toys. Get rid of any eyesores you’ve been avoiding dealing with, spruce up your landscaping, repair irrigation or pool issues, and create an entertaining space with a patio set, or a backyard oasis with some potted plants and a hammock.

8. Make it easy for them. Taking care of minor repairs is another step you can take to help buyers see your home as an easy and comfortable move. You want them to be mentally arranging their furniture as they walk through, not making a list of nicked woodwork, torn window screens, and leaky faucets. The less work involved, the easier it is to fall in love


Banana Bread

I made "The Ultimate Banana Bread" yesterday - since I have had some free time on my hands right now I've been baking ...

This recipe comes from

You’re going to need 5 bananas which I thought was just bananas...Tongue Out

  • 1/2 cup (4 ounces or 115 grams) unsalted butter, cut into chunks, plus more for pan
  • 1 cup (190 grams) packed light brown sugar
  • 2 slightly heaped cups (about 18 ounces or 510 grams) (updated weight, see why) of mashed banana, from 4 extra-large or 5 medium-large bananas
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon fine sea or table salt
  • 1 heaped teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • A few gratings of fresh nutmeg (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 cups (260 grams) all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons (25 grams) raw or turbinado sugar (on top)

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 6-cup (9×5-inch) loaf pan (see note up top if yours is smaller) or coat it with a nonstick cooking spray and set aside.

Melt butter in a large bowl and whisk in brown sugar until smooth, then stir in mashed banana. Whisk in eggs and vanilla. Sprinkle the surface of the batter evenly with salt, cinnamon, nutmeg (if using), baking soda, and baking powder, and whisk until the ingredients are fully dispersed in the batter, and then whisk 10 more times around the bowl because it’s better to be overly cautious than to end up with unmixed pockets. Add flour and stir until combined. Scrape batter into prepared loaf pan. It should come to just over 1/2-inch from the top rim. Sprinkle the top of the batter with the raw sugar; it will seem like a lot but will bake up beautifully.

Bake banana bread for 55 to 65 minutes. It is done when a toothpick or skewer inserted into the bread is batter-free — be sure to check the upper third as well, near the rim of the pan; that’s where I’d find the unbaked pockets of batter hanging out. The bread will get very dark but will not taste burnt.

Let cool in pan. This banana bread is good on the first day but exceptional on the second and third if you can bear to wait.


How To Create a Wants vs Needs List - 4 Easy Steps

The quest for the perfect home within a limited budget can seem daunting. But here's the truth: the perfect home doesn't really exist. Instead, it's about finding a home that aligns with your needs and has the potential to evolve with you. In this blog, I'll share my insights on how to find the right home without compromising on your budget.

  1. Letting Go of Perfection: To embark on your home search, it's crucial to let go of the idea of a flawless property. Instead, focus on finding a home that meets most of your criteria and has room for growth. Flexibility is key when you're working within a budget.

  2. Prioritize Your Must-Haves: Creating a list of must-haves is a powerful way to stay focused and avoid distractions. Consider essential factors like the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, neighborhood safety, school district quality, commute convenience, and access to public transportation. Don't forget to include features like outdoor space and parking availability.

  3. Distinguishing Wants from Needs: While must-haves are non-negotiable, wants are features that can enhance your living experience but are not crucial. Examples include an updated kitchen, open floor plan, additional living spaces, walk-in closets, energy-efficient appliances, smart home technology, recreational amenities, home office space, and architectural features. Prioritize your wants and be willing to compromise on some if needed.

  4. Embrace Thinking Outside the Box: One of the most valuable pieces of advice is to be open-minded and think creatively. Consider homes that may not initially meet all your criteria but have potential. With a little vision and some elbow grease, you can transform a property into your dream home over time. Renovations and improvements can add value and allow you to personalize the space according to your taste.


Finding the right home without compromising on your budget requires a strategic approach. It's essential to let go of perfection and focus on what truly matters. Prioritizing your must-haves and distinguishing wants from needs helps you stay on track. Most importantly, don't be afraid to think outside the box and consider homes with potential. By being open-minded and creative, you can turn an imperfect house into a home that perfectly fits your needs and budget.

Now it's your turn! Have you found yourself asking these questions? Do any of these tips resonate with you? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


Top 10 great reasons to live in Halifax
  1. Halifax is reputed to have one of the highest number of bars per capita of any Canadian city! Which means we are FUN!

  2. Halifax has a rich and varied history, from its role as a major port city in the days of British colonial rule, to its importance as a military and naval center in both world wars.

  3. With its stunning harbor and coastal views, Halifax offers a picturesque and scenic living environment.

  4. Friendly people: Haligonians are known for their friendly and welcoming nature, making it a great place to live and build relationships.

  5. Halifax has a strong and growing economy with a diverse mix of industries, including finance, technology, and tourism.

  6. With SIX universities located in the city, Halifax offers a great education system for students of all ages.

  7. From taxis to buses, there is no shortage of ways to get around in Halifax. However, the Halifax  Ferry is certainly a unique way. This harbour ferry service has been connecting the city of Halifax to neighbouring Dartmouth for 269 years.

  8. The Halifax Waterfront is a bustling hotspot in the city. With one of the world's longest urban boardwalks spanning the length of the waterfront for 4 kilometres (2.5 miles), from Pier 21 at the Halifax Seaport to Casino Nova Scotia, it is easy to spend a day exploring here.

  9. Affordable housing: Compared to other cities in Canada, housing in Halifax is relatively affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking for a good standard of living.

  10. Natural beauty: With its proximity to nature reserves, parks, and hiking trails, Halifax offers easy access to some of Canada's most beautiful natural landscapes.


What Do Showings Look Like?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and really, I get the sentiment and all. But I’m guessing whoever said that wasn’t in the market for a new home. The truth is listing photos can only take you so far. Sooner or later, buyers wanna get off their smartphones and get inside some homes. ⁣
Enter showings—one of the most thrilling parts of the entire home buying journey! If you’ve never experienced a home showing, here’s what you can expect. First, though, YOU have a little work to do. ⁣
Before touring a home, make your list of non-negotiables. Take the list with you and refer back to it as you walk around. Fight the urge to get carried away by a home that has lots of bells and whistles but doesn’t meet your punch list.⁣
Next, you schedule a time to meet your agent at the home. Take your time and ask your agent any and all questions that come to your mind. ⁣
Take special note of:⁣
Curb appeal and lawn condition: The property's exterior can easily be overlooked. Pay attention to your first impression of the home. Do you love it, or are you less-than-enthused?⁣
Cleanliness and odor. Use all your senses as you enter the home. Do you smell mold or mildew? Cigarette smoke? Does the air feel damp?⁣
Wall and floor condition: Pay attention to warped floors, watermarks, and cracks in the walls which often point to more significant problems with the house.⁣
Integrated systems and fixtures: Don’t neglect checking out the HVAC, electrical wiring, hot water heater, and other pipes and faucets. ⁣
A showing can last from 15 minutes (if the house is a total dud) to an hour or more (Could it be the one??). Just like most things in life, the more showings you attend, the quicker you’ll be able to determine if a home is right for you. ⁣
Are you ready to get inside some homes you’re scrolling through online? Reach out and let’s set up a time to meet up!⁣

8 Ways To Make Buyers Fall In LOVE With Your House

8 Ways to Make Buyers Fall in Love with Your Home

We all want people to love our home as much as we do, but especially when you are trying to sell it! While it’s impossible to please every buyers’ taste, there are several easy things you can do to make your home more appealing without spending a lot of money. Try some of these tricks and see if your showings cause buyers to swoon.

1. Check your curb appeal. Take an honest look from the curbside. What are buyers seeing first? If your home needs to be painted or pressure washed, consider making that investment. Clean up landscaping by trimming trees and bushes, planting some fresh annuals, and laying new mulch. Clean windows, repair sagging soffit, or porch railings, and have any trip hazards on your driveway or front walk repaired. Finally, consider some attractive, yet subtle decorations for your front porch.

2. Create an inviting entryway. When buyers step inside your front door, you want them to feel welcomed. If you have a foyer or front hall, it is easier to make an attractive entryway, but even if your front door opens right into your living room, you can create the feel of an entryway with a couple of simple tricks. Clear the area of clutter things that tend to pile up at the front door, like backpacks, dog leashes, or shoes. Place a small table or bench beside the door with plants, candles, or another simple décor. A small area rug can help define the space as the entryway.

3. Let the light shine in. Take advantage of natural light as much as you can. Trimming any bushes or trees outside your windows can help immensely. Wash your windows inside and out and replace or remove any worn screens. Make sure to open blinds or curtains before all showings.

4. Add some fresh color. Painting is an easy and inexpensive way to make an older home look new and is especially important if your current wall color is dark or outdated. Choose a light neutral color like a warm grey or light beige and use the same color throughout the house. If your home tends to be dark, this will help brighten it up.

5. Let storage spaces speak for themselves. Many sellers make the mistake of waiting until they have a contract to start cleaning out closets. Cleaning out clutter is part of getting ready to show, not just getting ready to move. You want buyers to perceive that there is ample storage in the home, and this doesn’t work if every drawer, cabinet, and closet is stuffed to the gills.

6. Eliminate distractions. Streamline your decorating so your buyers see the house and not your personal belongings. Go ahead and pack up collectibles and family photos and keep decorative touches to the minimum. Too many plants, magazines, or toys distract the buyers from seeing the home as their own.

7. Entice them with outdoor space. The back yard shouldn’t be an empty space of infinite possibility, nor should it be a storage area for neglected toys. Get rid of any eyesores you’ve been avoiding dealing with, spruce up your landscaping, repair irrigation or pool issues, and create an entertaining space with a patio set, or a backyard oasis with some potted plants and a hammock.

8. Make it easy for them. Taking care of minor repairs is another step you can take to help buyers see your home as an easy and comfortable move. You want them to be mentally arranging their furniture as they walk through, not making a list of nicked woodwork, torn window screens, and leaky faucets. The less work involved, the easier it is to fall in love


Banana Bread

I made "The Ultimate Banana Bread" yesterday - since I have had some free time on my hands right now I've been baking ...

This recipe comes from

You’re going to need 5 bananas which I thought was just bananas...Tongue Out

  • 1/2 cup (4 ounces or 115 grams) unsalted butter, cut into chunks, plus more for pan
  • 1 cup (190 grams) packed light brown sugar
  • 2 slightly heaped cups (about 18 ounces or 510 grams) (updated weight, see why) of mashed banana, from 4 extra-large or 5 medium-large bananas
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon fine sea or table salt
  • 1 heaped teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • A few gratings of fresh nutmeg (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 cups (260 grams) all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons (25 grams) raw or turbinado sugar (on top)

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 6-cup (9×5-inch) loaf pan (see note up top if yours is smaller) or coat it with a nonstick cooking spray and set aside.

Melt butter in a large bowl and whisk in brown sugar until smooth, then stir in mashed banana. Whisk in eggs and vanilla. Sprinkle the surface of the batter evenly with salt, cinnamon, nutmeg (if using), baking soda, and baking powder, and whisk until the ingredients are fully dispersed in the batter, and then whisk 10 more times around the bowl because it’s better to be overly cautious than to end up with unmixed pockets. Add flour and stir until combined. Scrape batter into prepared loaf pan. It should come to just over 1/2-inch from the top rim. Sprinkle the top of the batter with the raw sugar; it will seem like a lot but will bake up beautifully.

Bake banana bread for 55 to 65 minutes. It is done when a toothpick or skewer inserted into the bread is batter-free — be sure to check the upper third as well, near the rim of the pan; that’s where I’d find the unbaked pockets of batter hanging out. The bread will get very dark but will not taste burnt.

Let cool in pan. This banana bread is good on the first day but exceptional on the second and third if you can bear to wait.
